Camper Agreement
1. Camper Behavior and Responsibility
The safety and happiness of our campers is our number one priority. Camp Heiwa works to ensure each unique camp session is safe, inclusive, and respectful. Camp Heiwa has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for bullying, harassment, and illegal activity. While it is incredibly rare, the program leaders will not hesitate to end any camper's who violates this policy and/or the Camper's Agreement session early and send them home. The camper will be responsible for all fees and airfare arrangement for returning home early.
Camper Agreement Number 1: I understand that I am responsible for myself and my behavior at camp. I understand that I can be sent home if the program leaders find my behavior to violate camp expectations.
2. Camp Food and Adjusting to the Japanese Diet
Every year we have several vegetarians/vegans on our programs. We do our best to make sure that vegetarians/vegans can receive enough food at the camp facility to maintain their vegetarian diet. We do what we can to help, but we do not control the menus at the facilities and do rely on our campers to adapt and keep this from causing them to become frustrated with their stay at Camp Heiwa. However, during your stays at hotels, you will be responsible for most of your meals and may eat whatever and wherever you please.
Camper Agreement Number 2: I will do my best to adjust to Japanese (camp) food and feel very confident that this will not affect my ability to fully enjoy camp and my time in Japan.
3. Illegal Drugs and Alcohol
While this has never been an issue during any one of our programs, campers do have a variety of opportunities when they are free and unsupervised during camp stay. The legal drinking age in Japan is twenty years old. We expect our campers to strictly obey this law during their stay in Japan. We also expect our of-age counselors to drink alcohol only in moderation and behave themselves in public at all times. Alcohol is absolutely prohibited at our camp facilities by our counselors and campers! Consumption of illegal drugs in Japan is much less common than the United States and a MUCH more serious crime. Any involvement in such illegal activities by a camper or counselor of our program would cause us great shame and be a very serious threat to the continued existence of our program. Any counselor or camper strongly suspected of violating drug laws will be sent home immediately and will be responsible for all fees and airfare arrangement for returning home early. Of course, criminal prosecution in Japan is also a strong possibility.
Camper Agreement Number 3: I very sincerely commit to obeying all Alcohol and Drug laws of Japan. I also understand that if I were to be sent home for violation of these laws I would be responsible for all of the arrangements and expenses of my trip to return home.
4. Japanese Language Learning
We are not a language school. Camp Heiwa is a unique language learning and immersive cultural program experience. Each of our camp sessions operate for 14 days. We do NOT teach the entire Japanese Language in 14 days. This allows for campers to return to Camp Heiwa and experience our program as many times as they would like. Learning should be fun! Our goal is to meet each camper at their proficiency level and work with them to improve their Japanese skills. The amount of Japanese you learn with us during your 14 day camp session will mirror your interest in learning and applying yourself as you practice with our 1-on-1 coaching + group language activities.
Camper Agreement Number 4: I understand that I will not learn the entire Japanese language during my 14 day session with Camp Heiwa. I commit to participating and bringing the willingness to learn and practice with my coaches and teammates! I plan to set realistic goals for my self and others and I hope to improve!